Vue Storefront is now Alokai! Learn More


SmartEdit is a content management system that facilitates the creation and management of content within the SAP Commerce Cloud environment. It was once hailed as a versatile tool capable of handling various content-related tasks. Its strengths lay in its tight integration with SAP's data model, allowing users to effortlessly access product data, images, and categories to enrich their content. This seamless connection reduced the need for complex data feeds throughout the architecture.

Read more

Check the Content Management System Overview to learn more about the features of the SmartEdit module.

Bootstrapping SmartEdit with Alokai Storefront

To use the SmartEdit integration in your Storefront, perform the following steps:


Install the module

From the root of your Storefront project, run the following command:

npx @vsf-enterprise/storefront-cli add-module cms-smartedit

Follow the instructions in the command line to complete the installation. The command will:

  • install the Alokai SmartEdit API Client @vsf-enterprise/smartedit-api in the Middleware,
  • install the Alokai SmartEdit SDK module @vsf-enterprise/smarttedit-sdk in the Storefront,
  • copy the webApplicationInjector.js file to the Storefront public directory

You can find the changelogs for the installed packages here.


Update configuration

In the apps/storefront-middleware/sf-modules/cms-smartedit/config.ts file, you need to update the api object with your SAP Commerce Cloud's API configuration:

export const config = {
  location: "@vsf-enterprise/smartedit-api/server",
  configuration: {
    api: {
      uri: SAPCC_API_URI,
-      baseSiteId: "apparel-uk",
+      baseSiteId: "<your-base-site-id>",
-      catalogId: "apparelProductCatalog",
+      catalogId: "<your-catalog-id>",
-      catalogVersion: "Online",
+      catalogVersion: "<your-catalog-version>",
-      defaultLanguage: "en",
+      defaultLanguage: "<your-default-language>",
-      defaultCurrency: "USD",
+      defaultCurrency: "<your-default-currency>",
    unified: {
      // ...
} satisfies Integration<MiddlewareConfig>;

Bootstrapping SmartEdit

Before you start using our SmartEdit integration, you need to install Alokai extension into your SAP Commerce Cloud. The extension will install component types for our out-of-the-box frontend components.

Installing extension


  • SAP Commerce (Hybris) version 2211.24 or later
  • SmartEdit using Angular version 17
  • Deployment type codes available with the number 19968 Data Types


Copy extension files to the bin/custom directory.


Add the alokaismartedit extension to config/localextensions.xml:

<extension dir="${HYBRIS_BIN_DIR}/custom/alokaismartedit"/>



cd bin/platform
. ./
ant clean all
ant updatesystem

Enabling Live Preview

Alokai module for SmartEdit ships with an out-of-the-box support for the Live Preview feature. The moment you start editing a page in SmartEdit, the following happens:


Loading the preview route

SmartEdit loads your Storefront within an iframe. The loaded URL consists of:

  • the WCMS > Website > Website-ID > WCMS Properties > WCMS Cockpit Preview URL setting in Backoffice,
  • the storefrontPreviewRoute setting in SmartEdit,
  • a preview token passed as the cmsTicketId query param

Configuration required

We recommend setting WCMS Cockpit Preview URL to either http://localhost:3000 (Next) or http://localhost:3333 (Nuxt) and storefrontPreviewRoute to cx-preview (default).

As a result, example loaded URL looks like this:



Redirecting to a proper Storefront route

The cx-preview page component extracts value of the preview token from the cmsTicketId query param and uses it to fetch the currently edited page data from SmartEdit. Then it uses the label property to redirect to a correct Storefront page.

For example, when the currently edited SmartEdit page has label equal to test, the /test Storefront route will be loaded.

Nested page labels (e.g. /example/nested/label) are supported as well.


Rendering the currently edited page

The loaded Storefront route handler fetches the page data from SmartEdit and renders it using the RenderCmsContent wrapper. It fulfills the HTML Markup Contract by adding properties recognized by SmartEdit to HTML elements representing slots and components.

    <!-- component code -->


Initializing the Live Preview

Finally, the loaded Storefront route calls the initLivePreview() utility provided by our SmartEdit SDK module. As a result, the webApplicationInjector.js script is loaded and the page becomes editable.

  allowedOrigins: ['your-sap-environment-uri-and-port'],

Configuration required

Make sure you are calling initLivePreview() with correct allowedOrigins to avoid CORS issues. If the webApplicationInjector.js script provided by Alokai does not work with your SmartEdit environment, replace it with your version. If you moved the script outside of the /public directory, call initLivePreview() with correct scriptSrc.

Setting up Page Templates

Storefront code is designed to work out-of-the-box with three custom Page Templates:

  • a dynamic page template for fully-dynamic CMS pages,
  • a category page template for category pages enhanced with CMS content,
  • a product page template for product pages enhanced with CMS content.

To use these templates, you need to create them in your SmartEdit environment:


Create a new page template in SmartEdit

In the SAP Commerce Cloud Back office, navigate to the Page Template page. Then click a + button to create a new page template.

Create page template


Define the slots

In the newly created page template, specify the slots where you can add components. For dynamic page, you should add:

  • componentsAboveFold for components above the fold,
  • componentsBelowFold for components which should be lazy-loaded.

Add slots

For category page, you should add:

  • componentsTop for components above the product list,
  • componentsBottom for components below the product list.

For product page, you should add:

  • componentsBottom for components below the main product data.


Add valid component types

For each slot, add all the Alokai component types in Valid Component Types field.

Add valid component types


Change the template name

As all the page templates are named Page Template by default, you should change the name in the Administration tab to be able to distinguish them in the SmartEdit.

Change template name


Add the template to the page type

In the Page Type page, add the newly created template to the Content Page in Common -> Restricted Page Templates field.

Add template to page type

Migrating from existing SmartEdit content

If you already have defined content in your SmartEdit environment, you can migrate it to the Alokai Storefront. Each of the content pages will be fetched on top of our DynamicPage components and SDK getPage unified method.

As mentioned earlier, we use predefined slot names (componentsAboveFold, componentsBelowFold). This might cause your content to not render as intended because your custom content pages might contain different slot names. To address this, you need to implement correct slot resolution within the DynamicPage components.

Here's how it should be done:

/* app/[locale]/(cms)/[[...slug]]/page.tsx */

return (
    {/* Default slots */}
    <RenderCmsContent item={componentsAboveFold} />
    <RenderCmsContent item={componentsBelowFold} />
    {/* Native slots */}
    <RenderCmsContent item={customPageSlot} />

Thanks to that your components, located in the custom slots, will be rendered as intended. Although, please note that some of the native components might not be rendered as expected, to learn more about them read the section below.

Using SmartEdit Native Components

With newly installed SmartEdit module you'll get some of the native components. These are:

  • ImageMap
  • Link
  • Paragraph
  • SimpleBanner
  • VideoBanner

Native components will be located in the modules components/native directory. To integrate them into your page templates, import them from the directory and pass props as a component data. To access native components elsewhere in your codebase, use the getComponentsByIdsAndUser method through the sdk.smartedit property. In the response of that SDK request you will get the data.components array with all the components you've requested.

import SimpleBanner from '@/sf-modules/cms-smartedit/components/native/se-simple-banner';

const { data } = await sdk.smartedit.getComponentsByIdsAndUser({
  componentIds: ['MyCustomSimpleBannerComponent', ...],

return <SimpleBanner[0] />;

Some of the native components were not recreated in the Alokai Storefront. This is due to the fact that they are not compatible with our architecture (unified data model) and the way we handle the CMS content. Additionally, missing ones - in most cases - are implemented as a Alokai components, providing almost the same functionalities. Rebuilding them would be a simple repetition. Below you can find a list of components that were not supported, and the reasons why.

Not supported, native components can be handled individually, composed on top of the fields they contain. To achieve this, create a new component with the same name and structure as the original one from the SmartEdit. You can always use the structure of the implemented native components (listed above) as a reference and guide.

Below you can find a list of components that were not supported by the Alokai Storefront:

ComponentsDescription / Reason
These components are based on complex data structures that are best managed as custom components specifically designed for the unique needs of the application. It is recommended to use components like MegaMenu from Storefront UI, which are specifically designed for the Alokai application.
These components shares similarities with the ProductList component, making the ProductList component a suitable alternative. Providing more flexibility and functionality, already handling the product data displaying.
MiniCartOur Storefront offers adaptable, fitted, already implemented alternative. The MiniCart component is not suitable for our application due to its distinct composition and reference to the Cart specific and unified data model. Given our unique implementation and design, it would not be practical to integrate/recreate it.
SearchBoxAlokai Storefront is already equipped with the implementation of search functionality, handling SAP products searching seamlessly. Moreover, storefronts are typically integrated with external search engines that offer native solutions and tailored SearchBox components specific to certain solution.

More about the native components can be found in the SmartEdit documentation.